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John Perlich
Professor of Communication Studies


As a native Minnesotan, I belong at BSU. I grew up in the northern suburbs of Minneapolis (Blaine) and have family throughout the state (Duluth, Pelican Rapids, Fargo-Moorhead, Minneapolis). I'm proud to say that I come from one of the top-two "healthiest states" (according to US News & World Reports in May, 2018), and love the outdoor opportunities available in the Bemidji area. I wasn't sure what I would be doing for my career when I was an undergraduate. In fact, I didn't realize my "calling" (as a teacher) until the end of my junior year! I loved being a generalist and enjoyed studying a little bit of everything. If you are uncertain about where life will take you, I know we'll get along! I am an Professor of Communication Studies at Bemidji State University. I have been teaching for roughly 30 years (with no intent on stopping). I am honored to work with amazing colleagues in the Sociology and Communication Studies department. My path started at a Minnesota State Community College ("Go Rams"), continued at a four-year college in Minnesota, and resulted in a career. Since that time, my job has taken me to 46 of 50 states (I'll let you guess the four I've missed) and 10 countries outside the United States. I completed my Doctoral degree in Nebraska where I studied Applied Communication, Instructional Communication, and Language & Culture. My passion for research and teaching is centered on Communication Apprehension. I'm best known for my work using Virtual Reality as a tool to overcome stage fright and speech anxiety. My research has been featured on National Public Radio, NTV News,KHAS Local 4, the EAB "Education Advisory Board" Website, and at the Minnesota State Day at the Capital. My work has recently been published in The Forensic and in Speaker and Gavel. I have received two "Faculty Achievement Awards" for teaching excellence. I was recognized (twice) with the Lambda Pi Eta Outstanding Advisor Award at NCA. I've given more than 40 academic presentations at national, regional, and state conferences and have sponsored 35 undergraduate research projects including several "Top-Papers" at the National Communication Association conference. I proudly serve as Advisor for the Communication Studies Scholars Society (CSS) at BSU. I also advise Alpha Zeta Chi—the BSU Chapter of Lambda Pi Eta—our national Communication Studies Honorary group. My students have said that I'm caring, knowledgeable, and highly skilled at both face-to-face and online teaching. I enjoy time with family and engage in a ton of outdoor activities. I love BSU and learn something new each day about the awesome events and amazing people on our campus! My experiences have proven that our students are authentic, energetic, and enthusiastic. I'm thrilled to serve as a professor at Bemidji State.


Ph.D., 1997, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Communication Studies; areas of specialization: Language & Culture Dissertation: "An explication of dialectical tensions and their negotiation in understudied relationships." M.A., 1992, Minnesota State University, Mankato Communication Studies with a supporting field of Gender Studies B.S., 1990, Minnesota State University, Mankato Communication Studies with a minor in History A.A., 1987, Anoka Ramsey Community College General Education


  • Advanced Public Address
  • Career and Professional Communication
  • Communication and Conflict
  • Communication in Education
  • Communication Theory
  • Directing Forensics
  • Health Communication
  • Ideologies in Social Discourse
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Leadership and Small Group Communication
  • Nonverbal Communication
  • Oral Interpretation
  • Performance of Literature
  • Persuasion
  • Principles of Human Communication
  • Public Speaking
  • Research Methods
  • Rhetoric and Cultural Criticism
  • Senior Seminar—Communication Capstone:
  • Video Games as Learning Tools

Recent Work

Perlich, J. (2020). The Virtual Reality Environment (VRE) and Communication Apprehension. Minnesota State Day at the Capital, St. Paul, MN Perlich, J. (2019). Virtual Reality and Communication Apprehension. Minnesota State Board of Trustees Meeting, Bemidji, MN Perlich, J. (2019). The Virtual Reality Environment (VRE) and Communication Apprehension. Communication & Theater Association of Minnesota, St. Cloud, MN. Perlich, J. (2018). Even the Playing Field: Virtual Reality Environment (VRE) as a Preparatory Tool for Speakers. The Forensic, 103, 52-61. Perlich, J., Arends, J., Christiancy. M., Griggs, A., Kindig, J., Rueckert, T., Schuster, T., and Swift, M. (2017). Using Assessment to Improve Teacher Efficacy in the Actualization of Student Outcomes: An Instrumental Case Study Approach. Speaker & Gavel, 54(2), 25-42. Perlich, J. (2014). Speaking: A basic "how-to" for new speakers. In T. Oman (Ed.), Brain food. Hastings, NE: Hastings College Press. Whitt, D. & Perlich, J. (2014). Myth in the modern world: Intersections with ideology and culture. Jefferson, NC: McFarland. Perlich, J. & Whitt, D. (2010). Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Millennial Mythmaking. Theofantastique. Perlich, J. & Whitt, D. (2010). Millennial mythmaking: Essays on the power of science fiction and fantasy literature, films and games. Jefferson, NC: McFarland. Perlich, J. (2010). Rethinking the monomyth: Pan's Labyrinth and the face of a new hero(ine). In J. Perlich & D. Whitt (Eds.), Millennial mythmaking: Essays on the power of science fiction and fantasy literature, films and games. Jefferson, NC: McFarland. Perlich, J. & Whitt, D. (2008). Sith, slayers, stargates, & cyborgs: Modern mythology in the new millennium. New York: Peter Lang Publishing. Perlich, J. (2008). "I've got a bad feeling about this…": Lucas gets lost on the path of mythos. In D. Whitt & J. Perlich (Eds.), Sith, slayers, stargates, & cyborgs: Modern mythology in the new millennium. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.

Open Field

Hobbies: Reading, Ice Fishing, DIY, Gaming Books: Sith, Slayers, Stargates, + Cyborgs: Millennial Mythmaking: Myth in the Modern World: